PayDay Loans and Important Considerations
An payday loan is one in which you apply online rather than in person at a store. A payday loan does not charge interest, instead they will charge an establishment fee and a monthly fee. This will likely be more expensive than the interest rates through a bank. However, there are many times that banks will reject an application based on a credit rating.
We do not base Payday loans solely on a credit rating. We base your acceptance on affordability and the ability to repay the loan. The PayDay loans are also considered bad credit loans. When banks automatically reject the idea of helping you when you are having an emergency, we look at the whole picture.
Not A Long Term Solution
We are here to help you out in a pinch, for the short term. A Payday loan will temporarily help, but does not solve the entire financial picture in your life. Bad Credit loans do require that you be employed and continuously working. PayDay loans are based on how much you can afford without being tossed further into debt.
The short term of our PayDay loans help out in times of unexpected financial occurrences and other emergencies.
Application Process
When you are considering a PayDay Loan, you do not need to set up an appointment. You will fill out an online application, done on your time. You will not need to make special time for this. Filling out the application will take a very short amount of time. There are also some documentation items that you will need to provide. These include proof of employment, such as the most recent pay stub, address verification, government identification or passport and bank statement.
No Hidden Charges
We are up front about the charges you will incur. When you apply for a pay day loan on our site, you will incur low interest rates or the monthly charge but absolutely no hidden fees. The payment is based on the amount you are able to pay each payday.
Our repayment plans can run from 60 days to 1 year. This is depending on the amount of the PayDay loan you request and your ability to pay it back. The main point of these PayDay loans is to help you get back into a stable financial place, not put you further into debt.
These types of loans are quick when you are in need of a little financial help. They should not be considered as a method to get out of debt permanently. This is meant as a temporary financial help.
These types of PayDay loans can range from very small amounts or up to a total of $2000. The repayment period is for up to a year on a monthly basis, weekly or fortnightly.
Don’t waste time trying to see the lender at a bank, finish your day at work, then when you are home, sign in and fill out the easy online application. You will get a fast response and not waste your time.